
Inspiring Saturday Mornings

Bible BaBoker (Bible in the Morning)

Saturdays at 8:30 am at TIC

Join us each Shabbat morning before services to study Parashat HaShavua (the weekly Torah portion) with Rabbi Annie Tucker. Each session is a stand-alone class. You can join at any time; everyone is welcome at any or all of the sessions.

Shabbat Morning in the Milstein Sanctuary

Saturdays at 9:15 am

Light filters through the stained glass windows bouncing off the simple clean lines of the Aron Kodesh (the Ark) in our largest prayer space. Led by our clergy, this traditional egalitarian service encourages participatory davening (prayer) and features uplifting melodies both new and old. Our clergy offer insights with their words of Torah in their sermons, and we often celebrate b’nei mitzvah and other simchas (happy events) as part of our service. We are blessed to have many congregants who know how to lead services and read Torah or Haftorah, and we welcome the participation of our members. Children flood the bimah at the end of services for concluding prayers and are welcome in the Sanctuary at any time!

Chavurah Minyan

The Chavurah Minyan is a lay-led, family-friendly Shabbat morning service open to individuals of all ages who want a more intimate and informal prayer experience. Adults and teens of all skill levels are invited to participate by leading a part of the service, reading Torah or Haftarah or by facilitating a Torah discussion.

Youth Services

Our building is bustling with energetic children on Shabbat morning! Our goal is to engage children and their grown-ups in meaningful experiences on Shabbat that lay the foundation for a lifelong connection to Judaism and love of Torah. Our programs are tailored to children of all ages, from toddlers to 5th graders, and children are always welcome in the Sanctuary at any time.

Tot Shabbat (up to age 5)

Saturdays at 11:00 am

An intimate experience filled with songs, stories, puppets, and more for children to enjoy with their grown-ups

Family Shabbat Morning Services (Grades K-5)

Saturdays at 11:00 am

Children and parents join together to experience the joy and beauty of Shabbat. Emphasis is placed not only on chanting the prayers but also thinking about what they mean for us today. Lively discussion of the weekly Torah portion, often accompanied by an experiential activity, is also a core part of the service.

Parashat HaShavua Class (Grades K-6)

Information about when this class will resume will be posted on the calendar.

Learn about the weekly Torah portion from clergy, educators, and parent volunteers in this kid focused interactive learning session. Cookies provided! Adults are welcome and encouraged to learn with their children.

Please see the calendar for details.

Mincha (Saturday afternoon services)

Join us every Shabbat afternoon for prayer, Torah reading, and learning. Shabbat mincha times vary throughout the year, so please check our calendar.

Building Community on Shabbat

Backyard Shabbat

Join us in June, July and August!

During the summer months, enjoy Shabbat afternoon with friends with food, fun, and schmoozing. Outstanding educators provide brief words of Torah. No RSVP necessary. Family friendly and all are welcome.

Summer dates will be announced.

Shabbat Afternoon Café

During the winter months, join us after kiddush for an intergenerational Shabbat Afternoon Café featuring indoor games in the TIC gym, board games for adults and kids, socializing, learning, and light refreshments. All are welcome.