This Shabbat

Parashat Vayishlach

Friday, December 13

Candle Lighting: 4:09 pm

In Person and Virtual Friday Night Services
5:30 pm: Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat, and Ma'ariv.
See TIC Shabbat emails for details.

In Person
6:30 pm Eat, Pray, Learn. See emails for details.

Saturday, December 14

Shabbat Ends: 5:13 pm

Bible BaBoker
8:30 am-9:10 am
In Person with Rabbi Annie Tucker.

In Person Shabbat Services
9:15 am: In the Milstein Sanctuary.

Livestream Shabbat Services
9:15 am: Join our livestream here. For assistance with the Livestream, please call the office.

Youth Services
Please see the calendar.

Shabbat Afternoon Café
12:45 pm: with Uri Cohen.

In Person Mincha/Ma'ariv Services
4:00 pm: In the Irene Schwebel Chapel.

Livestream Mincha/Ma'ariv Services
4:00 pm: Join our livestream here. For assistance with the Livestream, please call the office.

In Person Shorashim Soirée
5:30 pm. See emails for details.